When calling Mass 211 for a need related to housing, callers can expect information and referrals to a comprehensive list of available resources. Call-takers cover a wide variety of housing issues including:
- Financial Hardship
For callers lacking the resources to pay rent, mortgage, rental deposits, moving costs and/or certain utilities, Mass 211 will discuss state and local resources, as well as the necessary follow-up steps.
- Facing Eviction/At Risk for Homelessness
For callers facing eviction and housing instability, Mass 211 will cover resources available for multiple issues, including:a. Landlord/Tenant Mediation, Legal Assistance
b. Conducting a Housing Search
c. Applying for Subsidized Housing https://www.mass.gov/rental-assistance-programs
d. Financial/Credit Counseling https://www.mass.gov/guides/facing-eviction-we-can-help
- Homeless/In Need of Shelter
For callers who are homeless and seeking shelter, Mass 211 will provide information and referrals for shelter or other temporary housing options depending on the caller’s particular situation (individual, family, victims of domestic violence, accommodations for disabilities)
- Health and Safety Concerns
For callers concerned about the condition of their unit, Mass 211 will provide referrals for:
a. Requesting a health and safety inspection
b. Landlord/Tenant Mediation
c. Home Maintenance and Repairs
- Housing Discrimination/Fair Housing Matters
For callers concerned about potential discrimination, Mass 211 can assist with resources and follow-up steps to file a complaint, request a reasonable accommodation, maintain a support animal, etc.
Mass211 partners with the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development