Domestic violenceis a pattern of behavior used to maintain power and control over an intimate partner or family member. Domestic violence can take many forms, including emotional, sexual and physical abuse, stalking and threats of abuse. It can happen in heterosexual or same-sex relationships. Everyone deserves relationships free from domestic violence. If you, a family member, or a loved one has been the victim of domestic violence or a violent crime, the links provided may be of help. If it is an emergency call 911.
Find out more about resources for domestic violence
by dialing 2-1-1 and using extension 21.
In need of sexual or domestic violence services?
Please call the SafeLink Hotline at 877-785-2020
Domestic Violence Resources
No one deserves to be abused or assaulted. Call a domestic violence program to get support. Trained advocates are there to help you, offer support and connect you with resources, and respect your decisions. Services are still operating during this time and working diligently to respond to calls.
Behavioral Health Network
Phone: 617-497-6241 xt 58532
Service Area/Office: Hampshire County – Ware
Website: https://www.bhninc.org/
Elizabeth Freeman Center
Phone: (866) 401-2425
Service Area/Office: Berkshire County – Pittsfield
Website: https://www.elizabethfreemancenter.org/
New England Learning Center for Women in Transition (NELCWIT)
Phone: (413) 772-0806
Service Area/Office: Franklin County – Greenfield
Website: http://www.nelcwit.org/
Safe Passage
Phone: 888-345-5282
Service Area/Office: Hampshire County – Northampton
Website: https://safepass.org/
Salasin Project – Western MA Training Consortium
Phone: 413-774-4307
Service Area/Office: Hampden County – Holyoke
Website: https://salasinproject.org/
YWCA of Western Massachusetts
Phone: (800) 796-8711
Service Area/Office: Hampden County – Springfield
Website: https://www.ywworks.org/
Phone: 877-536-1628
Service Area/Office: Hampden County – Holyoke
Website: https://www.womanshelter.org/
Spanish American Center
Phone: 978-235-0696 or 978-227-6486
Service Area/Office: Leominster area
Website: http://www.spanishamericancenter.org/domestic-violence-prevention/
YWCA of Central MA
Phone: 508-755-9030
Service Area/Office: Greater Worcester area
Website: https://ywcacm.org/domestic-violence/
Way Finders
Phone: 413-222-2366
Service Area/Office: Springfield area
Website: https://www.wayfindersma.org/welcome-way-finders
Alternative House
Phone: 978-937-5777
Service Area/Office: Greater Lowell area
Website: https://www.alternative-house.org/
Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence
Phone: 617-338-2355
Service Area/Office: Greater Boston and Lowell areas
Website: https://www.atask.org
Healing Abuse Working for Change (HAWC)
Phone: 800-547-1649
Service Area/Office: Northeast MA – Salem
Website: https://hawcdv.org/
Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center
Phone: 978-388-1888
Service Area/Office: Northeast MA – Newburyport
Website: https://jeannegeigercrisiscenter.org/
Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers (MAPS)
Phone: 617-864-7600
Service Area/Office: Greater Boston area – Cambridge, Somerville, Dorchester and Lowell
Website: https://www.maps-inc.org/
YWCA Northeastern Massachusetts
Phone: 844-372-9922
Service Area/Office: Greater Lawrence and North Shore – Lawrence and Lynn
Website: https://ywcanema.org/programs-services/womens-services/domestic-violence/
Family and Community Resources
Phone: (508) 583-6498
Service Area/Office: Greater Brockton area
Website: https://www.fcr-ma.org/
New Bedford Women’s Center
Phone: (508) 999-6636
Service Area/Office: Greater New Bedford – New Bedford
Website: http://www.thewomenscentersc.com/
A New Day Health Imperatives
Phone: (508) 583-6498
Service Area/Office: South Shore – Brockton
Website: https://healthimperatives.org/a-new-day/
New Hope
Phone: (800) 323-4673
Service Area/Office: Attleboro-Taunton area – Attleboro
Website: https://www.new-hope.org/
South Shore Women’s Resource Center
Phone: 508-746-2664
Service Area/Office: Plymouth and Southeast MA area
Website: http://www.thesswrc.org/
Stanley Street Treatment and Resources
Phone: 508-675-0087
Service Area/Office: Fall River area
Website: https://www.sstar.org/
A Safe Place
Phone: (508) 228-0561
Service Area/Office: Nantucket island
Website: https://www.asafeplacenantucket.org/
Independence House
Phone: (800) 439-6507
Service Area/Office: Cape Cod – Barnstable (Hyannis, Falmouth)
Website: https://independencehouse.org/
Martha’s Vineyard Community Services
Phone: (508) 693-7900
Service Area/Office: Martha’s Vineyard island -Vineyard Haven
Website: https://www.mvcommunityservices.org/services/domestic-sexual-violence-services/
Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence
Phone: 617-338-2355
Service Area/Office: Greater Boston and Lowell areas
Website: https://www.atask.org
Renewal House/UU Urban Ministry
Phone: 617-277-4194
Service Area/Office: Boston area
Website: http://www.uuum.org/?page_id=199
Casa Myrna Vasquez
Phone: 617-521-0166
Service Area/Office: Boston area
Website: https://www.casamyrna.org/
Brookview House
Phone: 617-388-9070 or 617-869-5875
Service Area/Office: Boston area
Website: https://brookviewhouse.org/
Phone: 617-471-1234
Service Area/Office: Boston area and Southeastern MA
Website: https://dovema.org/
Elizabeth Stone House
Phone: 617-3409-5425
Service Area/Office: Boston area
Website: https://www.elizabethstonehouse.org/
Phone: 617-288-1054
Service Area/Office: Boston area
Website: https://www.finexhouse.org/
Phone: 617-884-9909
Service Area/Office: Boston area and Northeastern MA
Website: https://harborcov.org/
Jewish Family and Children’s Service – Journey to Safety Program
Phone: 617-647-5327
Service Area/Office: Greater Boston area – Waltham
Website: https://www.jfcsboston.org/Our-Services/Community-Services/Journey-to-Safety-Response-to-Domestic-Abuse
Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers (MAPS) Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services
Phone: 617-864-7600
Service Area/Office: Greater Boston area – Cambridge, Somerville, Dorchester and Lowell
Website: https://www.maps-inc.org/
Refugee and Immigrant Assistance Center
Phone: 617-238-2430
Service Area/Office: Boston area and Northeast MA- Roxbury and Lynn
Website: http://www.riacboston.org/
On the RISE
Phone: 617-497-7968
Service Area/Office: Boston area – Cambridge
Website: https://www.ontherise.org/
Phone: 617-623-5900
Service Area/Office: Boston area – Somerville
Website: https://www.respondinc.org/
Reach Beyond Domestic Violence
Phone: 800-899-4000
Service Area/Office: Metrowest – Greater Boston area – Waltham
Website: https://reachma.org/
Phone: 866-472-4354
Service Area/Office: Greater Boston area – Burlington
Website: https://saheliboston.org/
Second Step
Phone: 617-965-3999
Service Area/Office: Greater Boston area – Metrowest – Newton
Website: https://www.secondstep.org/
The Network/La Red
Phone: 800-832-1901
Service Area/Office: Greater Boston area and region
Website: https://tnlr.org/en/
Voices Against Violence
South Middlesex Opportunity Council
Phone: 508-626-8686
Service Area/Office: Metrowest area – Framingham
Website: https://www.smoc.org/voices-against-violence.php
Sexual Assault Resources
No one deserves to be abused or assaulted. Call a sexual violence program to get support. Trained advocates are there to help you, offer support and connect you with resources, and respect your decisions. Services are still operating during this time and working diligently to respond to calls.
Elizabeth Freeman Center
Phone: (866) 401-2425
Service Area/Office: Berkshire County – Pittsfield
Website: https://www.elizabethfreemancenter.org/
New England Learning Center for Women in Transition (NELCWIT)
Phone: (413) 772-0806
Service Area/Office: Franklin County – Greenfield
Website: http://www.nelcwit.org/
Center for Women and Community
University of Massachusetts – Amherst
Phone: (413) 545-0800
Service Area/Office: Hampshire County – Amherst
Website: https://www.umass.edu/cwc/
YWCA of Western Massachusetts
Phone: (800) 796-8711
Service Area/Office: Hampden County – Springfield
Statewide Spanish Rape Crisis Hotline: (Llámanos) (800) 223-5001
Website: https://www.ywworks.org/
Pathways for Change
Phone: (800) 870-5905
ASL Videoconference Hotline: (508) 502-7681
Service Area/Office: Worcester County — Worcester
Website: https://www.pathwaysforchange.help/pfc/
Wayside Trauma Intervention Services
Valley Rape Crisis Program
Phone: (800) 511-5070
Service Area/Office: South Blackstone Valley – Milford
Website: https://www.waysideyouth.org/services/waysidemilford/trauma-intervention-services/
Voices Against Violence
South Middlesex Opportunity Council
Phone: 508-626-8686
Service Area/Office: Greater Framingham – Framingham
Website: https://www.smoc.org/voices-against-violence.php
The Center for Hope and Healing
Phone: (800) 542-5212
Service Area/Office: Greater Lowell – Lowell
Website: https://chhinc.org/
YWCA Northeastern Massachusetts
Phone: (877) 509-9922
Service Area/Office: Greater Lawrence and North Shore – Lawrence and Lynn
Website: https://ywcanema.org/programs-services/womens-services/rape-crisis/
The Women’s Center
New Bedford Women’s Center
Phone: (508) 999-6636
Service Area/Office: Greater New Bedford – New Bedford
Website: http://www.thewomenscentersc.com/
A New Day
Health Imperatives
Phone: (508) 588-8255
Service Area/Office: South Shore – Brockton
Website: https://healthimperatives.org/a-new-day/
New Hope
Phone: (800) 323-4673
Service Area/Office: Attleboro-Taunton area – Attleboro
Website: https://www.new-hope.org/
A Safe Place
Phone: (508) 228-2111
Service Area/Office: Nantucket island
Website: https://www.asafeplacenantucket.org/
Independence House
Phone: (800) 439-6507
Service Area/Office: Cape Cod – Barnstable (Hyannis)
Website: https://independencehouse.org/
CONNECT to end violence
Martha’s Vineyard Community Services
Phone: (508) 696-7233
Service Area/Office: Martha’s Vineyard island -Vineyard Haven
Website: https://www.mvcommunityservices.org/services/domestic-sexual-violence-services/
Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC)
Phone: (800) 841-8371
Service Area/Office: Boston and suburbs – office in Cambridge
Website: https://barcc.org/
Helping Survivors of Sexual Abuse & Assault
Llámanos: Statewide Spanish Rape Crisis Hotline: 800-223-5001
Pathways American Sign Language Videoconference Hotline: 508-502-7681
DOC Prison Rape Elimanation Act (PREA) Hotline at BARCC
Phone: 800-841-8371
Confidential hotline, 12 hours a day, for survivors to get emotional support and obtain information about making PREA reports.
Website: https://barcc.org/help/incarceratedsurvivor
Resources for Being A Safe Dating Relationship Partner
Are you concerned about how you are treating people in your life? Or have others said something about your interactions with the person you are or did date/see? We invite you to reach out to talk to someone about how to navigate your current and past relationships and how to practice self-care for yourself and others during these challenging times.
Domestic Violence Program
Gandara Mental Health
Phone: 413-214-3609
Springfield, MA
Language(s) Served: English, Spanish
Proteus Behavioral Health Network
Phone: 413 – 579 -7570
Springfield, MA
Language(s) Served: English, Spanish
Office of Community Corrections
Berkshire County Community Corrections Center
Phone: 413-358-4321
Pittsfield, MA
Language (s) Served: English
New Hope, Inc.
Phone: 508-753-3146
Worcester MA
Language(s) Served: English, Spanish
Behavioral Health Network
Phone: 413 – 579 -7570
Ware, MA
Language(s) Served: English
Spectrum Health Systems, Inc.
Phone: 978-466-3820
Leominster, MA
Language(s) Served: English, Spanish
Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center
Phone: 978-989-0607
Lawrence, MA
Language Served: English, Spanish
Eliot Community Human Services
Impact Intimate Partner Abuse Education Program
Phone: 781-864-4753
Lynn, MA
Malden, MA
Gloucester, MA
Language(s) Served : English, Spanish
Family and Community Resources, Inc.
Family Violence Offender Program
Phone: 508 584-2809
Brockton, MA
Language(s) Served: English, Spanish, Cape Verdean
Creole, Portuguese
Stanley Street Treatment and Resources (SSTAR)
Batterer Intervention Program
Phone: 508-324-3597
Fall River, MA
Language(s)Served: English, Portuguese
High Point Treatment Center
Stop Taking Others’Power (STOP)
Phone: 508-717-0522
New Bedford, MA
Language(s) Served: English, Spanish
New Hope, Inc.
Phone: 508-753-3146
Attleboro, MA
Language(s) Served: English
Bay State Community Services
Project Safe
Phone: 617-471-8400 ext. 129
Quincy, MA
Language(s) Served: English
Billings Human Services
Project Safe
Phone: 781-762-0060
Norwood, MA 02062
Language(s) Served: English
Common Purpose
Phone: 617-522-6500
Jamaica Plain, MA
Language(s) Served: English, Haitian Creole
Phone: 617-547-9879
Spanish Phone: 617-835-5150
Cambridge, MA
Language(s) Served: English, Spanish
Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers (MAPS)
Phone: 617-864-7600
Cambridge, MA
Language(s) Served: Portuguese,
(Cape Verdean Creole upon need)
Language(s) Served: Translation Available
Resources for Children
The following are resources specific to children who may be victims of physical or sexual abuse.
The Massachusetts Children’s Alliance: The Massachusetts Children’s Alliance is the coalition for the twelve Children’s Advocacy Centers located in the Commonwealth. The page I linked to is the “Find a CAC” page, and shows the information for reach county’s CAC. Children’s Advocacy Centers use multidisciplinary teams to help ease children’s trauma and they provide services and resources for children experiencing physical or sexual abuse.
Massachusetts Office of Victims Assistance (MOVA):
I linked to the “Ask MOVA” page, which has a section for child physical and sexual abuse. The Ask MOVA page provides information on direct service providers in the area, with those searching able to input their information to find services closest to where they are located.
Services for Children by County: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/list-of-child-physical-sexual-abuse-services-by-massachusetts-county
(Link is to a list of services for children broken down by each county in the Commonwealth.)
Jane Doe Inc: Jane Doe is the Massachusetts Coalition against Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence, and they do offer services outside of their member programs, so can support children as well.